
Blessings to All. The Aquarius (Blue) Full Moon is about to go exact in 8 hrs, 18 minutes (10:42 am, GMT) at 7 Aquarius-Leo ’55. We will be reaping the seeds set during the Aquarius New Moon ( + Supermoon ) of Jan 20/21, 2015 – here’s my article from then for reference: .

It’s certainly a time of electric breakthroughs/breakdowns, heightened intuition and an awareness of just how capable we are of manifesting our Gifts, in co-creative Partnership with the Cosmos – and ideally, as part of our service to the Collective.

Many ideals will be shifted, either to dissolution, or to further clarity. Take extra care around electrical items at this time, including the groups we’re in and friendships we make through social media. Also remember that electricity runs through our bodies, by way of our nerves, neurons and their information signaling/sharing mechanisms – try to avoid intense emotional burnout, be gentle on yourselves and others.

Astrologically speaking, it’s a fairly intense climate of multiple retrogrades, with Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius, 20 Aries) also in retrograde. At this time it is conjunct a body known as Karma (21 Aries), which, along with the karmic intensity of retrogrades, situates many of the lessons of this Full Moon within the resolution of past karmic ties.

In terms of the Sun-Moon opposition itself, I see the Sun and Moon woven together in a Grand Fixed Cross. The Sun is conjunct Diana and Eros (7 Leo), whilst opposing The Moon (7 Aquarius), and (both) squaring Eurydike (7 Taurus) and Achilles / Asteroid Lilith (7 Scorpio).

Sun-Diana-Eros in Leo: The focus is upon the Sacral Chakra and its creative, co-creative, pro-creative and expressive energy. This is where the tender, sensual, vulnerable, child-like parts of ourselves dance without fear and abandon. Whilst this is a wonderful thing, the flip-side of Leo energy is when we display or project a certain image of our emotions, feelings and sensual desires in order to elicit a response from another in a certain way, or when we do so to gratify the ego. The Sun brings its focused power of awareness and illumination to these areas of our lives, whilst the protection of Diana ensures that our Inner Children are safe to express themselves in these ways. Diana was of course, the goddess of the hunt and the Moon, protector of the sacred sexuality of young maidens 🙂 Eros comes along to show us how our expressive natures can help us reconnect with a far more intimate, primordial and ecstatic connection with All-Of-Creation. It’s kind of that feeling you get when some days, you are so very happy, that it just feels like you’re this delightful heap of conscious, sparkling stardust! Yes, getting to this realization can involve sexual experiences of eroticism, but is not confined to that one domain of life.

Moon in Aquarius – described above

Eurydike in Taurus – I somewhat unkindly, though without great distortion, refer to Eurydike as the ‘poster-girl for codependency’. She essentially impales herself upon the spear that kills her husband Cyllarus, an impetuous centaur that rushes into something and gets himself killed. Very often, Eurydike’s energy warns us to ensure that we understand the difference between love and codependency (Robin Norwood’s Women Who Love Too Much is an excellent guide in making that distinction). If we believe that we are only worthy of life if we have someone to love us – as absolutely Disney-romantic as that sounds – we are probably in need of some work here. Taurus is of course the sign of abundance, that allows us to enjoy the sensual, sensorial world and our embodied, material place in it. Many might be triggered into re-living these issues as they explore the sensual at this time (i.e. the touch of a lover that either makes you commit whole-heartedly, or that pushes you to the realization that something is not quite in balance).

Achilles / Asteroid Lilith in Scorpio – Achilles reminds us to recognize our own vulnerabilities.We don’t need to pretend that we can’t be hurt, or that we don’t cry. We don’t need to pretend that we’re so invincible that we have no vulnerabilities – for vulnerability can be one of the most powerful, beautiful and humbling experiences and gateways for us to understand just what makes us human. And to me, that is understanding the Divine. Lilith (the Asteroid, not Black Moon Lilith), as I learnt from Darkstar Astrology, refers to the Maiden aspect of the Dark Goddess, raging and rebelling against patriarchal strictures that seek to limit the expression of her beauty, ferocious power, and sexuality. Put the two together, and we find a need to get real about the wounds and vulnerabilities that surround our relationship with the sexuality/sensuality of the (Young) Feminine – as equally emphasized by Diana’s role in this alignment. In Scorpio, the conjunction between the two takes on an intense sexual, psycho-spiritual dynamic that ultimately leads us to a point of surrender. Through vulnerability, we find the courage to face our wounds and hurts (potentially coming from a friend, social media presence, our own ideals, etc.) and to look at their deeper psycho-spiritual origins. It’s a fantastic time for a breakthrough, and sometimes that can only happen with a breakdown.

Taking it all together, this Grand Cross teaches us about the need to shift our fixity, or fixed nature of views on issues surrounding our vulnerability, power, authenticity, sexuality and the ideals we identify with.

Finally, I’ve saved the best for last – The Moon is trined, whilst the Sun sextiles Magdalena (7 Libra). She represents the energy of The Magdalene, as the spouse of Christ. We see much coming through with respect to the wounds of the Feminine, particularly in the ways Her Sexuality and Power is projected upon. Look to her as a guide – you may also find yourselves calmed by rose essential oils or rose quartz crystals at this time. They can (for most people), be a tender, healing, balm through such emotional currents.

Those of you with placements near 7 Pisces will experience this as a powerful Yod or Finger of Fate. In the skies we see Atropos (6 Pisces) and Neptune Retrograde (9 Pisces) nearby. Neptune calls us to find a point of dissolution through the act of absolute, compassionate surrender whilst Atropos – as the eldest of the Three Fates, represents the Elder Sister whose role it is to cut the Thread of Life – in this case – she signifies the ending of one chapter … which inevitably signals, the potential of a new beginning in its wake.

Blessings to All,

Bairavee Balasubramaniam

The Sky Priestess

Image: Lightning Nebraska 2006b.jpg, public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Text / Content © Bairavee Balasubramaniam, 2015. All rights reserved.